Advanced TV measurement presents some interesting challenges because, even though most impressions are delivered similarly to conventional digital media, ATV consumption has a high device fragmentation in both consumption and follow-up action, and there are no cross-device identifiers to bridge that gap. At the same time, using linear TV measurement techniques, such as panel-based reporting, does not provide an accurate representation of the way media is consumed in ATV.
Advanced TV requires a different approach to measurement, which can work with the fragmentation of identity and activity, and can accurately determine the effect of a campaign without relying on complex modeling. At InfoSum we’ve been working for over a year with the most progressive UK ATV players to do exactly that.
With InfoSum, brands and media owners can collaborate to accurately and transparently measure campaign effectiveness, all while retaining full control of their data. Download this infographic to find out how to safely use first and third-party data to measure Advanced TV campaign effectiveness and generate custom audience insights.