This is much more important than just cookies

While much of the industry fixates on the cookieless future, the current industry evolution is much bigger than cookies. It's a pivotal moment for redefining the industry, one that values consumer respect, prioritizes privacy, minimizes data sharing, and enhances efficiency. In this context, only companies that have put consumer privacy at the core of their model will thrive.

Embracing a forward-thinking attitude to privacy not only empowers brands to launch more creative and impactful campaigns but also fosters transparency and trust with customers. It's time for organizations to reframe their view of privacy–from a barrier to targeted engagements to a valuable strategy that enhances business performance.

Watch Lauren Wetzel, CEO at InfoSum, on stage at DMEXCO 2024 as she explores the positive correlation between privacy and business performance, how prioritizing privacy will future-proof data-driven advertising, and strategies to avoid the growing trend of privacy-washing.

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